Monthly Archives For November 2018

Six bullet holes

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BY VAHID EVAZZADEH • ILLUSTRATION BY SIMON VÆTH • 2018 She sobs and begs them to give her her son. It’s been two hours now that she has been repeating the same sentence. The young…

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Recommendation: Uledsaget

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BY VIBEKE NIELSEN • 2018 Uledsaget (Unaccompanied) is a comic book anthology about taking flight, and about life as an unaccompanied young refugee in Denmark. The anthology is the outcome of a collaboration between unaccompanied…

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(Up)rooted, in the absence of men

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BY LISELOT KATTEMÖLLE • ILLUSTRATIONS BY FATIMA MOALLIM FROM FLYKTINGLANDET, FLYKTINGLANDET.TUMBLR.COM   “A woman is like a flower and a man is like her roots.” Aisha unfolds her hands and moves a little forward towards the…

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