If you want to be part of visAvis…
We would be happy to receive your contribution to visAvis.dk! Send us your article, your poem, drawing, visual article or photo to visAvis.contact@gmail.com!
If you want to help creating the visAvis magazine, you are also more than welcome. We write, edit, translate, draw and paint about migration and asylum policy. But visAvis is also a free forum for all asylum seekers, refugees and migrants, who do not only want to write, draw etc. about their “situation” or “status”. In the visAvis group we also cook food for the visAvis meetings, we create and maintain contact to contributors, and we plan and make budgets. You are more than welcome to contribute with whatever you can!
All visAvis work is for free – we create space on the edge of Denmark!
write to the visAvis editorial group on visAvis.contact@gmail.com
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