A historical overview of the development of European asylum and migration policies By visAvis From the beginning of the making of visAvis, it has been of great significance for us not to see Danish asylum…
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A historical overview of European asylum and migration policies
The refugees from Camp Altash
A group of 45 asylum seekers from Kurdistan-Iran tell their story and explain why they are currently demonstrating against the Danish Immigration Service, that has rejected all their cases. by the refugees from Altash Camp…
No Border Camp 2012 – Organisation Without Borders
Organisation meeting for No Borders Camp 2012 Saturday 21 January 2012 at 6.30pm in the Trampoline House. By No Border Stockholm No Borders groups meet every year to make actions against the structures that…
Stop Deportations – and the demarcation …
Stop Deportations – and the demarcation between ‘peaceful volunteers’ and ‘violent activists’ Arrests and deportations of rejected asylum seekers takes place in a kind of twilight zone outside the public eye. Stop Deportations is the…
Danish Asylum Policy Excludes Traumatised Refugees
the painting was made by a 9 year old girl who was enrolled in RCT in 1993 Danish legislation complicates traumatised refugees’ attempts to obtain asylum and residence permits. Researcher Edith Montgomery has published a…
Bringing Down the Myth of Sweden as a Nation of Solidarity
Aktion mot deportation is a two year old Swedish campaign in the No Border spirit which forms resistance against the Swedish system of forced deportations, pointing a finger at the unjust and violent treatment of…
Adama: One story many violences
Here we bring the story about an abused female asylum seeker. The article was brought on the Italian page »migranda« on the international day against violence against women. By Migranda, Associazione Trama di Terre Adama…
Afghan asylum seekers demonstrates in Copenhagen
Report from the Afghan asylum seeker’s demonstration The 10th of November in Copenhagen Speech by Devid Parsa · photo: Paula Nimand Duvå and Katerina Pisackova Welcome ladies and gentlemen, Asalam alekum everyone. We are here today because…
A Story Of An Arrest
The name of the author is known by the editorial group Monday May 23 at around 22.45. The Danish Red Cross Centre Avnstrup. Around 30 people are in the computer room on the ground floor.…
Unknown Border Flag
Maragarita del Carmen A flag is one of the strongest symbols of the nation-state, and for national identity. Unknown Border Flag is a flag for the underrepresented, those who are not heard, and those who are…