In November 2013, With Nails and Teeth for our Rights began as a workshop in Athens exploring borders and journeys through performance-actions. It continued at the artspace YNKB in Copenhagen in the spring of 2014.…

In November 2013, With Nails and Teeth for our Rights began as a workshop in Athens exploring borders and journeys through performance-actions. It continued at the artspace YNKB in Copenhagen in the spring of 2014.…
By Ali Ali • December 2015 A “Syrian Swede”, whose status was complicated further by being a policeman, happened to check my documents at the Swedish border today. I gave him my passport, but his…
Speech given at ‘Vi har Plads’/’We have Space’ – a solidarity manifestation for the refugees of the world with a particular focus on the situation in Syria. By Michelle Schulze from Asylret • September 2015…
By Kristina Hultegård • Illustrations by Marie Boye • visAvis #11, 2015 We are in a room at the Swedish Migration Agency, the first time the lived is to be told. Behind the table, close…
The words ‘home’ and ‘repatriation’ are widely used in the public debate, but the meaning of these words is rarely elaborated on. Starting from experience from the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, this text attempts…
By Ali Ali (aka Aab) • Illustration by Hilal Can • From #11, 2015 I used to call myself “a world citizen”. Here in Prague, I have been faced with nationalistic ridicule and real-life mockery.…
visAvis interview with Dilar Dirik • Video stills by Joen Vedel • From #11, 2015 Scholar and activist Dilar Dirik is currently a PhD student in sociology at the University of Cambridge. Her research focuses…
In the no man’s land between Serbia and Croatia By Beata Hemer, Frederik Johannisson, Kirstine Mose, Lise Olivarius, Nanna Hansen og Paula Bulling • September 2015 The afternoon sun shines on the road crossing the…
By Riema Ali and Ali Ali (Aab) • Illustration by Casper Øbro • From #11, 2015 A: Wars, discrimination, terrorism and racism. In the whole world it is all going in the same direction. I…
I ingenmandslandet mellem Serbien og Kroatien Af Beata Hemer, Frederik Johannisson, Kirstine Mose, Lise Olivarius, Nanna Hansen og Paula Bulling • September 2015 Eftermiddagssolen skinner på vejen, der går gennem den lille serbiske landsby Berkasovo få…