It is very difficult

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The circumstances during the asylum seeking period are very difficult.

Bearing the heavy and humiliating gaze of the officers who think of you as an intruder to their country “is very difficult”.

The fact that you cannot even trust anybody and you witness how people misuse you “is very difficult”.

Imagining the flounder in the middle of the sea surviving when other people are taking you down to survive “is very difficult”.

For a young person who trusts a boy’s or a girl’s promises, to fulfil his or her emotional need and travel all the way to the other side and then forget about everything “is very difficult”.

The situation where you have to turn a blind eye to your values and yet the officer looks down on you and implies that you are lying “is very difficult”.

The fact that you have destroyed all the bridges behind you and your spouse and children with the hope of having a better tomorrow, but realize halfway that there are no bridges to the tomorrow of your wishes, “is very difficult”.

Explaining to the children when they don’t know “why they can’t go to school”, “why they can’t see grandma and grandpa”, “why they can’t play with their relatives”, “why they are not at their own home” and they are often asking: “when are we going to our own home?”, “is very difficult”.

Nevertheless, the asylum seeking journey has one bright side, and that is this: everyone has a valuable and eminent purpose called “building tomorrow”, and they are waiting for a change. Having a purpose generates a tireless motivation for fighting to survive.

However, the problem starts when you have obtained a permanent residence permit! You have a home, a car, a job, a bank account and your desired wellbeing, but God forbid you forget about the dream of building that future; then your inner persona turns to nostalgia. I hope no one reaches that point.

For not allowing this to occur in the future; for preventing new conditions from becoming a threat for your family, as they have become for some immigrants; for not taking wellbeing for granted; for not reaching monotony and absurdity; and for not losing motivation, it is necessary that during the difficult time of asylum seeking, by the help of praying, reading God’s words and healthy cooperation, to nourish the roots of humanity, honor and kindness, and trust in your family.

It is necessary to continuously support your spouse and look straight into her or his eyes, express your love for each other and tell one another, “I stand loyal by you until the end and until wherever we reach”.

It is necessary to tell each other, “I won’t forget that in these hard times your shoulders were my support to lean on, and when I didn’t have a homeland your affectionate embrace was a trusted land where I belonged, where I could always turn when I had escaped from everywhere, and you did not reject me”.

It is necessary that your children see this vow. Caress your children with kindness and make them understand that the conditions will change. The country and home will change, but our love for each other will not change, and we promise to stay together and stay for each other until the end, and whatever you lose be sure that we will be by your side.

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