INTERVIEW WITH SAMIR BARAKAT • 22 MAY 2021 Samir has been on hunger strike for four days at the sit-in protest in front of Christiansborg, seat of the Danish Parliament, organized by Syriske Forening i…

INTERVIEW WITH SAMIR BARAKAT • 22 MAY 2021 Samir has been on hunger strike for four days at the sit-in protest in front of Christiansborg, seat of the Danish Parliament, organized by Syriske Forening i…
Fredag den 12. Juni 2019 besatte 700 Sorte Veste Pantheon i Paris. De Sorte Veste er en bevægelse af papirløse migranter, som kæmper for fri bevægelighed og for retten til at blive. Under besættelsen af…
BY LISELOT KATTEMÖLLE • ILLUSTRATIONS BY FATIMA MOALLIM FROM FLYKTINGLANDET, FLYKTINGLANDET.TUMBLR.COM “A woman is like a flower and a man is like her roots.” Aisha unfolds her hands and moves a little forward towards the…
بقلم ريم زقزوق • BY REEM ZAKZOUK المستحيل The impossible بين الصخر والجدار between the rock and the wall يوجد شق فيه مسمار there is a nail in a crack أعلق عليه ندفاً من…
This is the story of my mother, Ziba, and our family’s struggle to be reunited. BY SOLMAZ FARNIAN HAMADANI • ILLUSTRATION BY MARIE BOYE THOMSEN In 2009 I was allowed to send an invitation to…
While most have heard about Nigerians fleeing Boko Haram, to Cameroon among other places, fewer know that refugees also cross the border in the opposite direction. In October 2017, an English-speaking minority in Cameroon declared…
It is becoming increasingly dangerous and difficult to reach Europe in search of protection. This development is a consequence of the aggressive migration policies established by the EU and its member states. The externalization of…
We are holding an exhibition at Danske Grafikeres Hus (the Danish Graphic Artists’ House), at Sølvgade 14 in Copenhagen! Come to the opening on the 4th of August from 6pm-8pm, or stop by the exhibition…