BY THE EDITORS • ILLUSTRATION BY ANDREA GAIDANO • NOVEMBER 2022 Standing on one leg is no way to live, but it is a skill. There are those with a firm piece of this Earth on…

BY THE EDITORS • ILLUSTRATION BY ANDREA GAIDANO • NOVEMBER 2022 Standing on one leg is no way to live, but it is a skill. There are those with a firm piece of this Earth on…
INTERVIEW WITH SAMIR BARAKAT • 22 MAY 2021 Samir has been on hunger strike for four days at the sit-in protest in front of Christiansborg, seat of the Danish Parliament, organized by Syriske Forening i…
Fredag den 12. Juni 2019 besatte 700 Sorte Veste Pantheon i Paris. De Sorte Veste er en bevægelse af papirløse migranter, som kæmper for fri bevægelighed og for retten til at blive. Under besættelsen af…
In this text, Ali Ali takes a critical look at the refugee and migrant community centre Trampoline House and shows how even a visionary project with the best intentions reproduces a power hierarchy with the…
BY NAZANIN SEPHERI AND JON SEBASTIAN RODRIGUEZ FORREST • 2018 The current migration agenda dominating mainstream political discourse in the EU is racist and led by the extreme right. When the European Parliament’s present term started in 2014, it was only…
BY LILLTREZ, AMARA AND AUGUSTINE • ILLUSTRATIONS BY SIGRID ASTRUP The authors were participants in Free Home University’s two-week residency, Performing the Struggle, at Ammirato Culture House in Lecce, Italy. At the end of the…
“Home for many people is something tangible; home for us is a dream. Home for you is a reality; home for me is a wish. Home for you is existence; home for me is a…
Ekaterina Lemonjava is a Georgian journalist and migrants’ rights activist who was imprisoned in 2012 in the Polish detention camp Lesznowola: a closed camp for women, children, and families. The same year, she was deported…
In November 2013, With Nails and Teeth for our Rights began as a workshop in Athens exploring borders and journeys through performance-actions. It continued at the artspace YNKB in Copenhagen in the spring of 2014.…
In the south-eastern corner of Europe, Greece is heavily affected by the economic crisis. Greece is used as a laboratory for neoliberal policies that impoverish the population – and create social unrest and confusion. Meanwhile,…